Week 52 - Crossroads

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Well, here we are - finally - at Week 52 and our last block for this Sew A Long.

I really hope that you have enjoyed making these blocks along with us or even just found a few that you could use for other projects. I have thoroughly loved making these blocks. Some I have made before but quite a few I had never seen let alone made before. I think my favourite size is the 6” blocks - even though there were some very small pieces at times.

This weeks block is called Crossroads.

The block is pieced diagonally and there are two cuts for the background. One is a square cut in half diagonally once - half square triangle and the second is cut in half diagonally both ways making a quarter square triangle QST. With these cuts there is a bias edge where the fabric has been cut. To prevent stretching it’s best to handle that edge as little as possible.

Once your block has been pieced you will see that you have a 1/4” seam allowance outside each of the points. It is very important to make sure you have this so you don’t cut off the points as this is the seam allowance for the edge of the block.

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I now have a stack of lovely blocks all ready to go. They have now all been pressed and I’ve started putting them together in my quilt. All I need to do is sew on the final border and I will have this up on the blog - fingers crossed - tomorrow.

I would love to see what you have planned for your blocks. Unbelievably we have been in another lockdown - the last lockdown was the inspiration for these blocks. I am thinking of you all in Auckland and hoping like crazy that the levels drop for you really soon.

Take care - keep well, wear your mask and get you jabs.

Christine xx


Stargazer Quilt


Week 51 - Buttercup