Week 21 - Economy Block


Hi there ladies, how has your week been? To be honest, it’s been a bit of a tough week for me. One of the highlights - among many - of my year are the quilt tours that we do. This week we should have been just leaving Vermont, with the stunning autumn colours and heading to Boston with a lovely group of ladies on our New England Tour.

I know there are bigger problems in the world right now but I’ve given myself a moments pity party this week to be bummed about it all.

Okay, this weeks block is called the Economy Block (also know as Square in a Square or Triangle in a Square)and if you are a lover of scrappy style quilts, then this is a perfect block for that.

I can’t stand how cute that wee kitty is in my 12” block and his little paw prints.

To make the 6” block you will use the Centre Square, Fabric 1 and Fabric 2. If you are making the 12” square, you will make the same as the 6” square and then add on Fabric 3 & Fabric 4 using the same method. Marvellous and all the info is in the PDF pattern below.

Taking care with your pressing and trimming is key in this block. Don’t worry too much though as each section is a big bigger than needed and you trim back to the correct size. I would definitely make sure each round is the size in the pattern instructions. This will help your block behave.

Some other examples of Economy blocks and quilts. Isn’t that pin cushion great and a great block for fussy cutting too.

Source : Quilting Digest
Source: Diary of a Quilter

Source: Diary of a Quilter

Source: The Willow Market

Source: The Willow Market

I also found a great cheat sheet on the measurements to make different size blocks. Even explains the maths so you can work out your own if you want.

Okay, that’s me for now. Have a fantastic week and I’ll see you back here next Wednesday.


Week 22 - Picnic Pinwheel


Week 20 - Prairie Queen